Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy birthday!

It was the cake I got from grandson last year. A year has gone by so fast. Just hope the past year had made me wiser and better as a person.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life is beautiful! Live it to the fullest.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


These lovely creations of God always light-up my life when I see them.

Their colours, shapes and patterns mirror the ways we are. We are different and yet similar in many ways.

Coming home!

I stopped writing four years ago. I still remember the day I started this blog. I was full of enthusiasm and 'fire' and wanting to make a difference then.

Much has gone passed since then. Do I still have the 'fire' in me? Do I still think that I can make a difference?  Yes, I still do.

I am back and I hope that I will be able to move further than before along the winding road.

I hope more will drop by and say hello.

Wish me luck!