Friday, March 13, 2009

Never ending journey

Much water has passed under the bridge since I last wrote.

It has been a rather trying time for me, professionally. So much so that I even doubt my own credibility. Do people still think that I am capable of delivering the things that I am expected to deliver? Sure, it is not the first time for me to experience such a feeling. However, this time it was far worse than any that I had before. Honestly, ther were times I thought of singing off. It is just too much to bear. Why want to kill myself! I have not though. I don't think I will ever do it. I am too proud to do such a thing! Facing challenge is something that I am not afraid to do.

Life is never an easy journey, smooth sailing till the end. If it is, then life would be rather boring. Right? Plod on, my dear fellow. Take life one step at a time. You can!